Enterprise Architecture for Health Insurance Exchange

The portal design shall take the following interface
Website Company Name (AGRI- POWER PORTAL)

Links navigation Link

About us
Farm Chemicals
Farm tools
Farm projects
Livestock Faming

Bee keeping
Agricultural Dash Board Portal Major Display Area
Figure1 : The portal Design for Agricultural Based Enterprise
The agriculture based portal shall provide web-based services to the esteemed customers and the potential customer. The agribusiness portal shall contain three structural designs to incorporate the services to the clients. The portal is a dynamic website that provides all agricultural services across the world. The portal provides services on farm-based services like purchasing chemicals, use of chemicals and consultation services. The portal has horticulture farming, livestock farming, and beekeeping services. The display area provides streaming advertisements on projects and the news about agriculture.

Simple Information Exchanges
The secure health information exchange supports the following services to the clients

Document querying and retrieving
Direct messaging via PUSH technology
The system composes discrete data and information from multiple CCDs that contain detailed data from multiple sources. The system provides data sharing techniques to subscribers through the data mining and data warehousing approach (Bocciarelli, & D’Ambrogio, 2014).

Part B: Integrated Architectures
Enterprise integration for Business Services module supports enterprise process and goals through providing multiplatform programming support platform. The system integrates the business functions using VMware technology that acts as the middleware to support different platforms in other programming languages like XML, COBOL, Java, Microsoft Dot Net and others (Juric, et al…, 2010).

Legacy applications include the business application service and infrastructure services. The modules provide the integration of the database services through the modification of data and information. The sessions support data and information conversion to different formats. The strategies get applied during database development process, data mining activities and during data migration from one database design infrastructure to another.

B2B Integration and management services provide secure transfer and sharing of information between the public and private business enterprises across the world (Dorn, et al…, 2009). The system allows collaboration of business enterprises through subscribing to the Intranet cloud services. The platform supports the integration and interagency communications across the globe. The system supports the G2G systems that allow effective government interventions (Dorn, et al…, 2009). The system facilitates communication between the government agencies. The Interaction services systems support the intra-agency relations through the elimination of barriers for infrastructure principles and standard specified by the EAI policies. Through the interaction services module, inter-agency communications get approved enabling collaboration between people processes and information. The NIEM (National Information Exchange), development services platform, integrates the communication development environments through equalizing sanctions and standards from different agencies.

The system allows designing and creation of solutions depicted within different business entities. The collaboration allows acceptability of the various development standards for business entities to enter into the global market. The NIEM platform links the B2B systems to facilitate mutual interrelationships between different business operations (Dorn, et al…, 2009).

ESB Exploration: The enterprise service bus allows effective communication link between different enterprise activities and function to facilitate effective data and information transfer. All network and communication protocols get implemented through accommodating all sources of networks topologies and standards within the bus (Chandrasekaran, 2010). The bus offer powerful encapsulation, encryption and information hiding techniques to facilitate secure source to destination delivery of data and information (Chandrasekaran, 2010). The Mule architecture serves more effectively and efficiently compared to email based protocols. The message is secure via mule architecture and supports UDDI messaging protocols. The ESB architecture supports the orchestration, transformation, transportation mediation and non-functional consistency that form the core integration principles (Chandrasekaran, 2010).

Smart enterprises the smart enterprise capability is maintained via the incorporation of the extranet and intranet services that facilitate the extraction of data and information from different databases. The system allows digging of data from various databases through data mining techniques. The system supports the smart enterprise feature like intelligent decision support system. The enterprise business system implements the intelligence support capabilities through the use of access service model and the service registry database. The data and the information are supplied through cloud computing services that link the enterprise system to the World Wide Web interfaces. The Virtual technology that implements the industrial formats like the X12, the EDIFACTS, the SWIFT, the ACORD, the HIPAA and the HLA have been applied to support IBM web sphere transformation extension (Chandrasekaran, 2010). The platforms act as the universal transformation engine.